
We use Zoom to have online meetings. These pages will help you join in our meetings and manage your participation .

What is Zoom?

Zoom is an application to provide video meetings. You will need a computer (desktop or laptop), or a  tablet (iPad or other type) with a reasonable screen size. The device will need to have a camera, microphone and speaker (as almost all recent devices will).  You can use a smartphone but for presentations and meetings with large numbers of people the experience will be limited. You will of course need to have a reasonable internet connection.

You should download the application appropriate for your computer, tablet or phone. We explain how to do that here.

If you only want to join meetings that have been set up by the Society or others then you do not need a Zoom account. If you want to set up a meeting for others to join then you will need an account; a basic one is available free.

Joining a meeting

Shortly before any meeting we will send you an email giving you final details about the meeting, including a simple web link. If you click on this it will open a page  in your browser. It will ask for permission to use the Zoom application. If you agree then the Zoom application will open.

If you try to join before the host has started the meeting you will see a message saying so. Just leave the message on your screen and as soon as the host starts the meeting you will move to the next stage.

Waiting Room

Some meetings simply then start and you will see other participants on your screen. However our meetings will use a waiting room and the host (usually our webmaster) will “admit” you to the meeting. You will then be able to see and talk to the others.

There are more details about how to manage the application during the meeting although there is usually no need to do very much. .