Cremation Registers Gloucester Crematorium Vol 4 1998-2012


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Index of Cremations in Gloucester Crematorium from 29 July 1987 to 1 May 2012

The Crematorium was built in the grounds of the Coney Hill Cemetery and the first cremation took place there on the 7 January 1953.  Ashes were then either scattered or interred in the Crematorium grounds, on Graves in both Tredworth and Coney Hill Cemeteries, or removed for private disposal in other locations.

Transcription Notes While every care has been taken with this transcription, errors inevitably do occur. Where a discrepancy with the Death Index has been found, this had been noted.

There are some abbreviations:- Rec = Recordia. Res = Reserve. BOM = Book of Memories.  BMD = Birth, Marriage and Death Index

Also there are references for example HH1, this indicated where the ashes were scattered and if there is a Plaque, this is often places on kerbs as near as possible to the scattering.  Plaque’s and Rose Bushes last for 20 years before they are due for renewal.

This Index does not contain the Residence or Place of Death Addresses but if the death has been shown to be outside of the Gloucestershire or Forest of Dean Registration District, we have tried to give an indication to the area of death.  These addresses have been removed to maintain confidentially but these details may be obtained from the address below.  Stillbirths that may have been entered have not been included and all children that died under the age of 1 year have been entered as 0 years in line with the entries in the Civil Registration Index.

Crematorium Office, Coney Hill Road, Gloucester GL4 4PA.  They will look up three entries free of charge but for any extra searches, a charge could be levied.

GFHS thank the staff at the Crematorium Office for all their assistance in the production of these CD’s.

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