Social Media Policy
In accordance with the guidance of the Charity Commission, the Social Media officer for the Society undertakes to ensure that the Society’s use of Facebook, whether by themselves or others, inside and outside of the Society, is accurate, refraining from personal opinions. That shows an awareness of copyright issues, and how posts reflect the Society.
To comply with the General Data Protection Regulations the Gloucestershire Family History Society reserves the right to remove malicious content, personal information of a living person or persons posted on Facebook that could potentially cause harm to members and the general public who use these pages and to cancel their membership of the closed group.
For example: to identify a living person (other than yourself) by posting and communicating openly, their name, address, postcode, email or telephone number on the GFHS Facebook.
Registered Charity Number 296959
Charity Act 2011
Last updated: 15/01/2024
If you are not satisfied with our response to any query you raise with us, or you believe we are processing your personal data in a way which is inconsistent with the law, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office on 0303 123 1113.
Below is from the Facebook page
This is a ‘group’ page for members of Gloucestershire Family History Society (GFHS) to post their genealogy queries and get responses from other members. GFHS does not accept any responsibility for the information posted, except that the pages will be monitored, and unsuitable material will be removed. Please note that this is not intended to be a substitute for the search services available via our web site, rather it is a place where members can help each other!