Committee and Officers of the Society

The Committee and Officers are elected at each Annual General Meeting.

You can contact people by selecting an appropriate topic on the Contact Us form


Dr. Colin R. Chapman
PhD(hon), CEng, CSci, CChem, FEI, FNucl, FRSC, FRSH, FSG

Vice Presidents

John Loosley, Liz Jack

Elected Officers

Chairman :Mia Bennett
Treasurer : Elaine Schollar
Secretary : Vacant

Elected Members

David Poole
David Howells
Colin Maher
Sue Woodward
Tracy Barnett
Vicky Thorpe
Paul Evans
Sue Ross
Dave Carlile
Florence Beetlestone

Ex Officio Member

John Putley: Gloucestershire Archives


The Trustees of the Society are the Chairman. Treasurer, Secretary and others as appointed by the Executive Committee

Mia Bennett
Elaine Schollar
David Poole
David Howells
Liz Jack
Vicky Thorpe
John Loosley


Chair Gloucester Branch : Mia Bennett
Social Media : Sue Ross
Family History Centre Volunteer  Co-ordinator : Di Medland
Journal Editor :
Membership Co-ordinator : John Excell
Members’ Interests : John Excell
Publicity Officer : Sue Woodward
Research Help Desk : Vera Mogg
Webmaster : Paul Evans