Some new research help pages are under construction.

Research Help

Help and Advice on Genealogy

Our Help Desk

In practice this is mostly Sue who can point you to  information from our extensive resources and give you ideas where else to look.

We will not prepare a full genealogy for you – there are professional researchers for that.

Here are the kinds of questions with which Sue can help. Some we will happily answer for free.

Q:  “Where is Henry Smith buried he died in 1940”?

A: “He is listed on our Cemetery record transcriptions  -details of how to obtain from our online shop.

Q: “How do I access other people researching the Brown family from Eastington?”

A  “If you are a member of GFHS  you will be able to see the contact details for a member researching this family from Eastington.”

For some tricky questions where more detailed research is needed or details such as certificates need to be obtained  a donation would be requested

For example:

Q: I have searched everywhere for the baptism of …. around 1720 in …. and cant find it online.
A: [Having checked that there may be some information available]  We do not have ….. info in our indexes. However, we can research other records for you and these often give additional information about the family that you are seeking. Please send us a donation as we are a registered charity, a donation however how small is much appreciated.

Just email and we will do our best to help.


We have two Facebook pages

Our  regular Facebook page : the place for ‘postings’ of a more general nature about our activity. This is open to all to view and comment..

Our ‘group’ page  This ‘self-help’ location – a place for group members to post queries and for other member to answer those queries. This is  a ‘closed’ group, which means that only group members can post queries and see the replies. To become a member of this group, click here: then click on the green ‘Join Group’ button. Your group membership will have to be approved by the administrators, but we will try to respond as quickly as possible.

Tips and Hints

We are bringing together items of wider interest from the Help Desk and Facebook  as well as other sources. Please contribute or suggest items that you think would be helpful.