Our Library in the Family History Centre contains hundreds of titles covering a wide range of family history topics including the latest copies of Who Do You Think You Are magazine.
Also in this area are several volumes of Gloucestershire Monumental Inscriptions. Although these are available on our computers many researchers prefer to browse the printed volumes – look on the bottom shelf of the bookcase containing the big red files.
We always appreciate donations of books, particularly specialist themes (eg: Kelly’s street or trade directories) and any out of print volumes. If a donated book is already stocked we sell it, with proceeds to the Society’s funds so it does not go to waste.
Reorganising the Library
The arrangement of the Library shelves has been amended over the past year. If you have any difficulty finding a book, please ask one of the Volunteers on duty. An updated catalogue is available here for searching and printed copies are in the Centre.
Catalogue updated 18 December 2024