About the Society

Book a visit

  • You can book a 2.5 hour slot at GFHS Family History Centre. See more about the Centre here .
  • We are open Monday to Friday
  • You can book for morning sessions(10 to 12-30 or 10-15 to 12:30 on Mondays),  afternoon  sessions (13-30 to 16-00), for either session on your chosen date, or for both sessions on a day. If you choose to come for both sessions on a day please be aware that there is always a lunch break between the two!
  • Please enter and submit your details on the form below

You will receive an e-mail from us confirming your slot: please allow 3  clear working days for us to process your booking. `If you are subsequently unable to come at the time you have booked please let us know as soon as possible by replying to your booking email or telephoning  the Centre (01452 524344) after 10am on the day itself. Please note that the Centre is entirely run by volunteers and occasionally we are unable to open the Centre as planned. If that happens we will let you know as soon as possible.

Booking Form

    Your Name (required)

     Gloucester Archives

    If it is your intention to book a slot at Gloucestershire Archives please note this will have to be done separately go to www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/archives for further information

    Note it may not be possible to have a slot on the same day and moving from GFHS to GA or GA to GFHS will not be possible without prior booking.