When you are searching for your ancestors you will often come across references to small places that prove difficult to identify quickly on a map. Here are some options to help you.
Buy our pamphlet
In the shop you can buy a small handy pamphlet listing places in Gloucestershire (or places that once were in the county). It gives directions to each place in relation to the larger well know towns and can be used without a map or as an aid to finding places on paper maps. It can be very useful when you are out and about or when you have no access to online information. Click on the image to visit the shop.
On line resources
All the parish and towns in Gloucestershire are listed in GENUKI From there you can link to a page for each place that will show the parish location on a map together with other useful information.
At the top of each page there is a “Place Search tab. This will enable you to search a wider gazetteer for smaller places nearby.