Research Help

How we can help

We offer help with research into your Gloucestershire ancestors and family. You can find the names of individuals, information about where they lived and more.

Our information sources

We have:

  • a library of books about people and places in Glouestershire and beyond;
  • information on fiche, often detailed transcriptions or pages of directories;
  • papers and files about local families;
  • transcriptions of a variety of local records made by members of the society;
  • and much more!

How to use our resources directly

Visit the Family History Centre

You will be able:

  • to use the Library
  • to view fiches
  • to look through our paper files and  records
  • to access computer data held on the Centre computers
  • to use the Society’s access to Find My Past and Ancestry
  • to buy books, CDs and downloads

Look up information on our website

We recognise that many people will not be able to visit Gloucester. Using the website you can:

  • identify all the available information (see help below)
  • buy books, CDs and downloads
  • get direct access to some information if you are a member, including the Surname Interests of other members.

How to get help with your research

At the Family History Centre

Our volunteers are available at the Centre to give you guidance in finding the most relevant information and to discuss your interests with you.


Our volunteers  provide two services:

  • Searches for specific names in the main transcriptions we hold. This service is free to members; there is a small charge for non-members. You can submit a search here
  • Help with more general queries. You can see  how this works.